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Favela é Isso Aí

The NGO – Non-Governmental Organization Favela é Isso Aí is a association that came from the Cultural Guide of Villages and Favelas, idealized by the anthropologist Clarice Libânio and published in August of 2004. The Guide pinpointed that art on the villages and favelas has a special part on raising sel-esteem, social inclusion and fight against violence.

The organization was created with the objective of providing the construction of citizenship by supporting and divulgating the arts and cultures of the villages and favelas.

The NGO also has the intention of contributing with the reduction of discrimination against the residents from the villages e favelas, boost income generation for the artists, help to prevent violence and develop the conditions of the art making and access to the cultural market.

The importance of self-esteem and acknowledgment

One of the explanations of the cultural manifestation proliferation essentials to the villages and favelas, is the fact that they are elemental on the creation of affective bonds and on the development of new socialization alternatives, participation and construction of citizenship, mostly, for the youth.

The exhibition of groups of artists from the communities in the media has become a conduct reproduction factor. Being that way it is possible to realize that being known for the rest of the community works as an incentive to the continuity of the artistic practice and allows the artist to see that is possible for him to occupy a space to tell his story and show his work. Also, for that reason, the NGO Favela é Isso Aí invests on the production of divulgation materials and activities cooperatively with the media.

Principal problems and needs of the villages and favelas’ artists

The lack of space to produce, rehearse, present and commercialize the work is one of many principals difficulties found by the villages and favelas’ artists. The absence of patrimony and material conditions for the recording of CDs, publication of books and product materialization in general are other difficulties.

Low visibility and low divulgation are other problems that the villages and favelas’ groups complain about the distress of media access. Add up to the absences scenery a shortage of exchange and articulation that potentialize the team work.

In the end, we have a barrier in front of the production and visibility of the villages and favelas’ artistic manifestations called pre-concept, supported by the stigma that on the villages and favelas the only thing that exists is violence and delinquency.

Review of the absences picture: accomplished activities

Besides the creation and maintenance of this website, made for escalate the artistics and cultural manifestations from the villages and favelas towards the rest of the society, are also important highlights of our NGO the documentary productions and video clips of the artists from the villages and favelas of Belo Horizonte made with our support.

Currently the institution has the following units: audiovisual production, communication agency, reference and research center, technical graduation, assessory and finance generation.